Kate Humphrey
Kate Humphrey
On behalf of the Board of the Winters Participation Gallery, it is my sad job to give you the news of Kate Humphrey's death on Tuesday, September 12. Kate was a leading player in the creation and implementation of the Winters Historical Mural Project. Years before the actuation of the murals themselves, she and I brainstormed how it might come to fruition. Without her, it would not have even been considered. She was a true pioneer and vibrant spirit that generated this whole thing into being. I shall miss her greatly, as I know you all will.
With great sorrow,
Valerie Whitworth
[Photo by Debbie Hemenway]
Dedication Celebration
09-25 Dedication Celebration
Dedication Plaque
June 6th was Kate Humphrey Day in Yolo County!
Yolo County Board of Supervisors
Resolution No. 24-75
Proclaiming June 6, 2024 as Kate Humphrey Day in Yolo County
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WHEREAS, Kate Humphrey was born on June 6, 1968 in Springfield, Illinois, to Roger and Constance Humphrey; and
WHEREAS, Kate received her Bachelor’s degree in Art from Arizona State University in 1992, and earned her MFA from Michigan’s Cranbrook Academy of Art in 1994; and
WHEREAS, Kate taught art at Winters High School from 2007 to 2021, where her classroom was a wellspring for imagination and a sanctuary for students seeking acceptance and encouragement; and
WHEREAS, Kate’s inspiration and mentorship is evidenced throughout the Winters community via the Winters Participation Gallery historical mural projects that she helped to coordinate; and
WHEREAS, Kate’s belief in the interconnectedness of everyone and everything made her a compassionate person who was deeply loved; and
WHEREAS, Kate embraced the world with grace, joy, and effervescence, and to her the world was a canvas and, no matter the medium, one could make it beautiful; and
WHEREAS, Kate was preceded in death by her parents Roger and Constance. She is survived by her husband Mark Beason, and her son Everett Beason; siblings Bridget Humphrey, Robin Bundy, and Louis (Diana) Humphrey; niece Aleta Lanier; nephew Yari Bundy; cousin Clifford (Catherine) Hathaway; cousin John Hathaway; cousins Dan, Megan, and Sharon Dwyer; parentsin-law James and Ceresa Beason; and dear friend Sarah Gutierrez; and
WHEREAS, Kate Humphrey’s life was a life well lived, and she will be remembered and missed by all those who knew and loved her; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Yolo County Board of Supervisors hereby recognizes June 6, 2024 as Kate Humphrey Day in Yolo County.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of June 2024, by the following vote:
AYES: Vixie Sandy, Provenza, Barajas, Villegas, Frerichs.